Manager heads



Heads Manager

The News Service with intriguing offering point

Hunting heads is a worldwide talent search Network with over 20 years of Service. With our exemplary scouting we will locate your coveted Top Candidate.

Hunting heads overall Executive Search Group is pleased to present another Service: A pool of more than 17.000 checked and by chasing heads effectively affirmed business specialists of the first and second Management level are accessible to unravel your HR needs quickly. These specialists are from different industry fragments and have significant involvement in their field of ability. ..

For each search job, only one top candidate can get the position. We select an average of 200 calls, 30 applicants. After the interviews, an average of 5 - 10 suitable candidates remain. These are included in our system

For each inquiry work, just a single best competitor can get the position. We select a normal of 200 calls, 30 candidates. After the meetings, a normal of 5 - 10 reasonable hopefuls remain. These are incorporated into our framework.

We claim to unveil the main chose and checked database of confirmed supervisors and officials from our activities, now in Europe for the business person.  Along these lines, we are upsetting the electronic activity entry. Market.

With our new model we goal not exclusively to help your necessities in filling positions rapidly, yet additionally at exceptionally aggressive cost. Intrigued to take in more about this administration? - call us in Germany Headquarter Call: +49 921 50743502 Call: +49 179 9017 5685 Email: [email protected]